Can 12th pass students take IBPS exam? Can 12th pass students apply for IBPS exam? Can I give Bank exam after passing 12th? | Know further answers to these questions.

What is IBPS exam? In most banks, recruitment is conducted to fill the vacant posts, and that is done under the IBPS exam. IBPS stands for Institute of Banking Personal Selection.

For information, let me tell you that IBPS conducts recruitment and examination for public sector banks, cooperative banks, private banks, financial institutions, rural banks and insurance sector companies.

The IBPS Institute conducts various examinations for banks and financial institutions for various posts. Such as – Clerk Exam, PO Exam, Specialist Officer (SO) Exam, RRB Exam, etc.

Through all these examinations, employees are appointed to various positions in government and private banks and financial institutions.


Can 12th pass students take IBPS exam Or apply?

A 12th pass students can apply for jobs in government and private banks, a 12th pass students can apply for IBPS exams or give IBPS exams.

For information, let me tell you that IBPS conducts Clerk cadre exam for 12th pass candidates. For which, along with 12th pass, the candidate should also have knowledge of computer and typing.

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