Define: Language is a mid to communicate with each other, exchange our ideas, feelings and thoughts. it is a communication point of view.
language is a two way process in which communication happen between sender and recover by two steps i.e massage and mid. with the help of this two step our feelings, thoughts and ideas can exchange.
Purpose of language:
1. Language is essential for expression of ideas. this is a system of communication. it is a type of sound.
2. language is defined as a method of communication in form of written or oral speak by human. language is a major way that only know to human beings.
3. It is a consisting of use of words in a conventional way. It is a verbal physical system. It use to speak out.
4. It is a method of communication in which expression and thoughts can inter change. with help of language.
Everyone is capable for learning a language. Only human beings are have god gift of language. Everyone can learn a language easily if he/she get right environment for learning it. A language has its own system and process to speak and write it has some phonology and grammatical system in all kinds of language.Every language has its own symbol, sings and system yo learn.
Language is a part of our life. Without language we can’t live it is to important for living. every language has its unique system to learn, to speak. Therefore to learn a new language there are grammar and some methods to learn a language. Language is mid that present the whole country, there culture, peoples and there derives to show them in proper way. To describe the country language is prefect source. Language is a perfect way to present us in front of society.