35+ Google Magic Tricks – Google is not just a search engine but also a platform for some fun and surprising tricks that can add some excitement to your online browsing experience. These Google magic tricks are often hidden Easter eggs, and you can uncover them by typing specific phrases or keywords into the Google search bar.

From the famous “do a barrel roll” to Google Pac-Man and Google Gravity, these tricks range from interactive games to visual effects that can amaze and entertain you. With just a few clicks and some curious search queries, you can discover the many secrets that Google has to offer and add some magic to your internet surfing.

Google Magic Tricks

Here we have listed 35+ Google Magic Tricks, which you will find quite interesting. All you have to do is as we told and watch the magic of Google.

1. Barrel roll: Type “do a barrel roll” in the Google search bar and press Enter. The page will do a 360-degree spin.

2. Google Gravity: Type “Google Gravity” in the Google search bar and click on “I’m Feeling Lucky.” The page elements will fall down as if gravity has affected them.

3. Google Pac-Man: Type “Google Pac-Man” in the Google search bar and click on “I’m Feeling Lucky.” You can play the classic Pac-Man game on the Google homepage.

4. Google Mirror: Type “Google Mirror” in the Google search bar and click on “I’m Feeling Lucky.” The Google homepage will appear as a mirror image.

5. Google Sphere: Type “Google Sphere” in the Google search bar and click on “I’m Feeling Lucky.” The page elements will revolve around a sphere.

6. Zerg Rush: Type “Zerg Rush” in the Google search bar and press Enter. The page elements will start attacking and you need to click on them to stop the attack.

7. Google Tilt: Type “tilt” in the Google search bar and press Enter. The page will appear tilted to one side.

8. Atari Breakout: Type “Atari Breakout” in the Google Images search bar and press Enter. You can play the classic game Breakout using the search results.

9. Google Guitar: Type “Google Guitar” in the Google search bar and click on “I’m Feeling Lucky.” You can play a guitar using the Google homepage.

10. Google Snake Game: Type “Google Snake Game” in the Google search bar and click on “I’m Feeling Lucky.” You can play the classic Snake game on the Google homepage.

11. Google Space Invaders: Type “Google Space Invaders” in the Google search bar and click on “I’m Feeling Lucky.” You can play the classic Space Invaders game on the Google homepage.

12. Google Birthday Surprise Spinner: Type “Google Birthday Surprise Spinner” in the Google search bar and click on “I’m Feeling Lucky.” You can spin a wheel to play a random game or activity.

13. Google Doodle Fruit Games: Type “Google Doodle Fruit Games” in the Google search bar and click on the first result. You can play various games related to fruit in celebration of the 2016 Olympics.

14. Google Snake: Type “Google Snake” in the Google search bar and press Enter. You can play a game of Snake on the Google homepage.

15. Google Dinosaur Game: When you lose internet connection and the “No Internet” page appears, press the space bar to play a game where you control a running dinosaur.

16. Google Minesweeper: Type “Google Minesweeper” in the Google search bar and press Enter. You can play the classic Minesweeper game on the Google homepage.

17. Google Gravity Pool: Type “Google Gravity Pool” in the Google search bar and click on the first result. You can play a game of pool where the balls are affected by gravity.

18. Google Basketball: Type “Google Basketball” in the Google search bar and click on “I’m Feeling Lucky.” You can play a game of basketball using the Google homepage.

19. Google Feud: Type “Google Feud” in the Google search bar and press Enter. You can play a game where you have to guess the most popular Google search queries.

20. Google Image Labeler: Type “Google Image Labeler” in the Google search bar and click on the first result. You can help Google improve its image search by labeling random images.

21. Google 3D Animals: Type the name of an animal in the Google search bar, and if it’s available, you can see it in 3D by clicking on the “View in 3D” button and then “View in your space” to see it in augmented reality.

22. Google Timer: Type “set timer for [x amount of time]” in the Google search bar, and a timer will appear at the top of the search results page.

23. Google Translate Beatbox: Type “beatbox” in Google Translate and click on the “Listen” button to hear a beatbox rhythm.

24. Google Gravity Sphere: Type “Google Gravity Sphere” in the Google search bar and click on the first result. The page elements will revolve around a sphere affected by gravity.

25. Google Draw: Type “Google Draw” in the Google search bar and click on “I’m Feeling Lucky.” You can use the Google homepage as a drawing board.

26. Google MentalPlex: Type “Google MentalPlex” in the Google search bar and press Enter. You will be taken to a page that claims to read your mind.

27. Google Fonts: Type “Google Fonts” in the Google search bar and click on the first result. You can browse and download various fonts.

28. Google Timer: Type “Timer” in the Google search bar and a timer will appear at the top of the search results page. You can set it for a specific amount of time.

29. Google Sound Search: Tap on the Google search bar in the Google app, and the Sound Search icon will appear. Tap on it to identify a song playing nearby.

30. Google Morse Code: Type “Morse Code” in the Google search bar and click on “I’m Feeling Lucky.” You can type in Morse Code and translate it to text.

31. Google In 1998: Type “Google In 1998” in the Google search bar and click on “I’m Feeling Lucky.” You will be taken to the Google homepage as it appeared in 1998.

32. Google Earth Flight Simulator: Open Google Earth, press Ctrl+Alt+A (Windows) or Command+Option+A (Mac) to activate the flight simulator, and you can fly a plane over the world.

33. Google Space: Type “Google Space” in the Google search bar and click on “I’m Feeling Lucky.” You can explore outer space using Google Maps.

34. Google Rainbow: Type “Google Rainbow” in the Google search bar and click on “I’m Feeling Lucky.” The Google logo will appear as a rainbow.

35. Google Page Speed Insights: Type “Page Speed Insights” in the Google search bar, and you can analyze the speed and performance of a website.

36. Google Search Console: Type “Search Console” in the Google search bar, and you can access tools to help optimize your website’s search appearance on Google.

These are just some of the many Google magic tricks available to users. Have fun exploring and discovering more!

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